Happy Labor Day! As summer draws to a close, I wanted to reflect on a monumental highlight for me, WALK TO THE BEAT, a rhythm and dance festival in Nyack, New York. I was invited to facilitate a drum circle that would culminate at the end of the day in Memorial Park. 75 folks strong came out to participate in the circle. Some people brought their own drums and others brought a cozy blanket to lay on and just listen to the grooves. Last year when I completed the 21 Day Rhythm Challenge in the gazebo, I dreamed of playing in a field surrounded by people pounding their hearts out, singing, dancing and honoring their percussive spirit. On that day, it was pretty surreal to look out on Memorial Park and see all the people in a unified circle playing and leaning in. The drum circle was vibrating like a big tasty pot of soup with so many ingredients bubbling. Everybody brought their own spice to the party and it was my job to whip it up and stir the cauldron. It was a very proud moment for me as we took the park to a new level. We were a unified front on the great lawn. A heartfelt thank you to Anna de la Paz and Heather Cornell, the two amazing producers of Walk to the Beat. Anna and Heather created a picture perfect day throughout the town. The pairing of artists and stages were super impressive. When you think about the talent that surrounded Nyack on that afternoon, it was just awe inspiring. I got a chance to meet and connect with new players as we walked up and down the block. We chatted and learned about our own creative passions. I met a bunch of tap dancers that came all the way from Canada to dance with us too. Nyack was like a big musical chocolate factory on July 26th. You felt the energy and the happiness on faces from everyone on the street including the performers, shop keepers, customers and anyone that happened to be in town that day. We were all swept up in a wave of excitement. I'm still giddy just thinking about it. And isn't that what a great town is supposed to be about?? A soulful groovy town that's got a collection of amazing artists. YES, It was confirmed on Saturday, July 26th. WALK TO THE BEAT was a huge, massive success. It allowed Nyack to shine and gave every artist that performed on that day a true voice. It was a special day for Nyack and one that I won't soon forget. Bravo!
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